Cyber Security Blog

CMA Co-Host GDPR Conference with Housing Security & Privacy Forum

Written by Allie Philpin | 21 July 2017

Cyber Management Alliance collaborated and co-hosted an interesting and informative conference in London in June with Housing Security & Privacy Forum. Amar Singh, CEO and founder of Cyber Management Alliance, and Adrian Leung, Head of Information Security at Catalyst Housing Ltd, led the event which included a series of excellent presentations and discussions based on GDPR compliance within the housing association industry.

Amar and Adrian were joined by highly regarded and knowledgeable speakers from housing association organisations and trusts, GDPR solution providers and Ernst & Young, with representatives presenting a series of talks on the GDPR requirements and how to become GDPR-ready, data privacy and the range of potential cyber security threats, and what this all means for the housing industry.

Following the welcome by Adrian Leung, Session 1 of the day was focused on the GDPR requirements from an expert’s point of view with presentations from Ernst & Young, Datultacy Ltd, SecureLink UK and Armadillo Managed Services Ltd. Session 2 was based around the methods and development strategies that housing associations and trusts are using to ensure that they are GDPR-ready for May 2018.

In addition to the talks, there were also several opportunities for open discussions with speakers, experts, panelists and attendees throughout the afternoon. Simon Edwards from Trend Micro gave an informative presentation on the measures that can be used to stop the next Wannacry breach, and Amar Singh led an interesting Breach Response Workshop that highlighted current threats and potential breach opportunities by hackers, what can be done to prevent a data security breach, and the use of cyber security checklists to prevent data breaches.

The event was supported by sponsors Anomali, Armadillo Managed Services Ltd, SecureLink UK and Trend Micro, all of whom are providers of cyber security and data privacy solutions.

Sponsors and attendees found the conference informative and interesting, helping them to work towards not only becoming GDPR-ready but also the sharing valuable insights into data privacy and the prevention of cyber security breaches.

“We’re very happy to be supporting the Housing Security and Privacy Forum Conference and it’s good to see housing associations from the across the UK being so concerned about security and privacy issues. We’re happy to be supporting them with any issues they may have.” Suela Vehdat, Anomali
“Very pleased to be here and sponsoring the Housing Security & Privacy Forum Conference. GDPR has been the principal content but there have been a lot of other concerns. A great day.” Andrew Mitchell, Armadillo Managed Services Ltd
“It’s been a fantastic event for us – a great audience that’s very engaged. Good to meet the customers face-to-face and find out what they’re problems are so that we can learn from them, and hopefully we can help them more in the future.” Ade Taylor, SecureLink UK
“It’s been a great turnout. We’ve had lots of questions from audience. We’ve certainly benefited from the day and I hope the delegates have too.” Simon Edwards, Trend Micro
“It’s been a really good event. It’s nice to know that we’re all in the same boat. I have learnt a lot about data mapping, the steps to put in place for our GDPR journey, and it’s good to know that there’s a lot of support available.” Hannah Barker, Clarion Housing Group
“I found the event very informative. It’s been a great opportunity to share information with colleagues in other housing associations and companies. The information has been very comprehensive and it’s indicated that we have a lot of work to do! Great day and I’ve made some great contacts.” Matthew Salters, Guinness Partnership
“I found today really useful, particularly in the preparation for GDPR. It’s been really worthwhile and I would recommend anyone in the housing sector to come along to the next one.” David Harrison, London & Quadrant Housing Trust
“A great opportunity to talk to other housing professionals about the common challenges we have on data, and what they’re doing with those challenges. A really positive day to move things forward – highly recommend it to anyone to come to future events.” Douglas Silverstone, Thames Valley Housing
“It’s been enlightening; the first opportunity I’ve had discuss in more detail about GDPR. It’s been excellent to listen to people, subject-matter experts, to help with breach management and data mapping exercises.” Paul Sandersfield, Gentoo Group
“Good to know that we’re not alone in terms of our fears and our activities relating to the upcoming GDPR, that we can all work together and learn from each other, and that there are companies out there that can support us in our quest for compliance.” Sam Linton, Acis Group
“Great to learn from the experts on GDPR and the housing associations on how they’re implementing GDPR, particularly around data mapping. We’ll take a lot away with us.” Jacquie Elliott, Metropolitan Housing Trust Ltd

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