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Wannacry Ransomware Crowd Source Intelligence

A free resource created by the global cyber community

Wannacry Crowd Source Intelligence 


We created this document on 12th May and invited the world to take part in sharing their intelligence and knowledge about this ransomware.  The response to our invitation was nothing short of amazing! We have had so many contributors, some who have agreed to be named and some who chose to remain anonymous.


wannacry crowd source intelligence.png


This is not the end but rather just the beginning of life-impacting cyber attacks. We are determined to use the power of the crowds, the Wisdom of Crowds, to ensure that we all have a fighting chance to protect not only cyberspace, but the physical world that is now almost, if not fully, connected to cyberspace.  

To download this document and to keep abreast of such initiatives and continue receiving reports and guidance papers please complete the form.

How we use your data:

  • Keep you posted on similar documents and resources.

  • Update you on upcoming webinars and surveys.

  • Update you when we host our ground-breaking Wisdom of Crowds events.

  • Ask you, every now and then, if you want to take part in similar crowdsourced initiatives like this one.

  • Our partners (we carefully select our partners) may contact you to arrange a demo or share more information with you about their products or services when you watch one of our sponsored webinars. Remember, you can always tell them “No, not interested”