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World-Class Cybersecurity Workshops

Cyber Resilience Day

Be Ready: Master Incident Response and Crisis Management


Friday, 7th June 2024

Expert Workshops & Free Resources

Learn essential cyber resilience skills in four expert-led workshops – all in a single day!

Get ready for a comprehensive Virtual Cyber Resilience Day on Friday 7th June! These free events offer four expert-led workshops designed to strengthen your organisation's incident response capabilities. Dive into the step-by-step creation of an Incident Response Plan, learn how to develop effective playbooks, and master the art of successful Tabletop Exercises.

As NCSC-Assured training providers, we know firsthand the importance of having robust incident response strategies. Benefit from our expertise and walk away with valuable free guides, templates, and even special offers on our certified training programmes.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from world-leading trainers!




Building a Robust Cyber Incident Response Plan


The workshop will be led by our Lead Consultant and a certified NCSC Assured Trainer who has deep experience in creating and using playbooks to respond to various crises.  He is also the author of the NCSC Assured, "Cyber Incident Planning and Response" training course. 

This session will provide you with hands-on insights into creating an effective and robust Incident Response Plan. We'll also address the EU DORA’s requirement for well-documented cybersecurity plans and procedures in the ICT Business Continuity Policy of financial entities.  

CIPR Workshop Title
Playbooks Workshop Title

Crafting Effective Cyber Incident Response Playbooks

We are thrilled to invite you to an invitation-only, interactive workshop titled "Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Cyber Incident Response Playbooks".

The workshop will be led by our Lead Consultant and a certified NCSC Assured Trainer who has deep experience in creating and using playbooks to respond to various crises.  He is also the author of the NCSC Assured, "Building and Optimising Incident Response Playbooks" training course. 

This session will provide you with hands-on insights into creating  effective and threat-specific Incident Response Playbooks. 

Crisis Communications: Crisis Ready? A Guide to DORA Compliance

In today's fast-paced world, a single misstep can rapidly escalate into a public relations crisis. This workshop equips you and your team with the essential skills and strategies for effective crisis communication. 

Learn how to navigate challenging situations, craft compelling messages, and minimise reputational damage.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Understand the core principles of crisis communication.
  • Understand the mandates from regulations like DORA. 
  • Develop a crisis communication plan for your organisation.
  • Leverage the power of a Crisis Management App for streamlined communication.
Crisis Comms Workshop Title (1)
Mastering CCTE Title

Mastering Cyber Tabletop Exercises

This limited-seat workshop will be led by our CEO and certified NCSC Assured Trainer who has conducted over 300 Cyber Attack Tabletop Exercises.  He will offer insights and best practices on running effective tabletop exercises tailored to your organisation's unique requirements. We'll also be discussing recommendations on scenario-based Digital Operational Resilience Testing as mandated by the EU DORA which comes into effect in January, 2025. 

By attending this workshop, you will gain a unique edge in cybersecurity preparedness that goes beyond theory.  The trainer's expertise and proven track record offer a rare opportunity to learn practical approaches to simulating and mitigating cyber risks.

All attendees will receive numerous resources, including templates, attack timelines, and checklists, to further aid in their cybersecurity and IR efforts. The skills, insights, and connections you acquire will be invaluable assets in strengthening your organisation's cyber resilience.

Why not book a discovery call to discuss your requirements?

Want more information on Cyber Incident Planning and Response or Tabletop Exercises? Book a no-obligation discovery call with one of our consultants. 

Let us show you why our clients trust us and love working with us.
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