A Security Gap Assessment or Security Gap Analysis is the process of evaluating your organisation's current security posture and security framework. It involves identifying areas where improvements can be made in security management and risk management. The goal of a security gap assessment is to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats, and to determine if the organisation has adequate security measures in place to deal with them.
Some of the steps involved in this gap analysis service include:
Most organisations continue to invest in technology and services to reduce their risk exposure. However, it is common for businesses to direct investment and select controls that have little or no material impact on reducing the threats posed by cyber attackers.
Often, these “next generation” technologies are procured as a result of media scaremongering or vendor misdirection, and over emphasis on their specific technologies.
An effective Security Gap Assessment carried out by external third-party cybersecurity specialists can help you break the clutter and focus your energies on things that really matter - reducing your organisational risk & making you capable of bouncing back after an attack.
"In order for BMJ to the right way forward we looked for a VCISO to advise us on the right way to do things and give us expertise. We went to Cyber Management Alliance and it's been about a year now and we ran workshops, looked at our response to incidents, created the incident response plan and we are in a position now where we understand our way forward. Our VCISO keeps us on our toes and overall it's been a very effective way of delivering expertise into the organisation that we wouldn't have normally had."
Aaron Townsend, Service Delivery Manager, British Medical Journal
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